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 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend
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(F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend Empty
Sujet: (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend    - Mer 30 Jan - 14:47(F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend Empty
Scarlett McFarlane


ft. Bonnie Wright
Nom(s) McFarlane Prénom(s) Scarlett Âge 28 ans Date & Lieu de naissance JJ//MM/1990 lieu au choix Nationalité & Origines Au choix Orientation sexuelle Bisexuelle refoulée Situation amoureuse Au choix Métier/Etudes Au choix Groupe Au choix
Voici les points à suivre pour l'histoire de Scarlett, ils sont obligatoires mais rien n'empêche qu'une partie de l'histoire soit libre ;) :

  • Sa famille a toujours été proche des Wheeler, elle est naturellement devenue amie avec Noah;
  • Sa famille est catholique pratiquante, ses parents sont assez aisés financièrement mais elle n'aime pas trop le montrer;
  • Elle peut venir d'une famille nombreuse ou bien être fille unique, bien que je la voyais bien être l'aînée de sa famille, mais ça reste vraiment au choix;
  • Elle fait du bénévolat dans une soupe populaire une fois par semaine;
  • Elle défend la cause animale et est végétarienne, elle n'a pas encore sauté le pas de devenir vegan trouvant ce régime trop contraignant;
  • Elle fait un métier qu'elle aime particulièrement, qui la passionne;
  • Niveau caractère j'imaginais qu'elle soit très douce, attentionnée, ambitieuse, elle sait ce qu'elle veut faire de sa vie professionnellement parlant, très franche et loyale.

NOAH E. WHEELER ft Emma Watson
Les deux jeunes femmes se connaissent depuis le jardin d'enfant. Leurs familles se connaissant depuis des années, ça a aidé en quelque sorte leur relation. Elles s'entendent depuis toujours et ont beaucoup de points communs. Toutes les deux se sont toujours soutenues quoiqu'il arrivait. Elles se sont toujours poussées à donner le meilleure d'elles-mêmes et à suivre leurs passions. Aujourd'hui, adultes, elles sont toujours aussi proches, se voient tous les jours autour d'un dîner. On pourrait croire qu'elles n'ont plus rien à se raconter à force, mais elles trouvent toujours des sujets de conversation.

KARELLE WHEELER ft Kiernan Shipka
Scarlett, ça a toujours été la meilleure amie de la grande sœur de Karelle, la fille des amis de ses parents, point final. Pourtant, au fil du temps, le sort s'en est mêlé. Alors que leurs familles ont été élevées dans la tradition catholique presque homophobe, Karelle s'est rendue compte qu'elle tenait à Scarlett plus que ce qu'elle ne le devrait. Battements de cœur saccadés, souffle court, papillon dans le ventre... des signes avant coureurs pour la blonde qui refuse complètement d'accepter ses sentiments. Elle a un énorme faible pour Scarlett et s'en est rendue compte depuis quelques mois d'ailleurs. Le bémol ? elle n'est pas vraiment la seule à s'en être rendue compte et une des amies de la blondinette a réduit à néant sa vie sociale avec une vidéo truquée. Karelle rentre donc difficilement dans le cadre des fréquentations correctes auprès de bon nombre de gens. Et autant dire que les McFarlane sont plutôt d'accord avec ce point, notamment parce qu'ils ignorent que la cadette Wheeler n'a rien à voir avec cette vidéo, et que la vérité se cache ailleurs... Comme la plupart des gens, leur fille y compris.

Dernière édition par Noah E. Wheeler le Lun 18 Fév - 21:53, édité 2 fois
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(F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend Empty
Sujet: Re: (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend    - Mer 30 Jan - 14:47(F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend Empty


Alors merci tout d'abord d'avoir porté votre attention ce petit scénario (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1634776480

❝ Les point d'histoire du personnage et ses liens ne sont pas négociables, j'ai laissé pas mal de champ libre au niveau de son histoire pour que vous puissiez vous approprier le personnage au mieux (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1246049620

❝ L'avatar est difficilement négociable. Avec Karelle nous avons trouvé Bonnie parfaite, si vous ne savez cependant pas la voir en peinture nous pourrons en discuter à trois sans soucis (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 2300345439

❝ Le pseudo est négociable, le champ est libre de ce côté-là, nous n'avons pas cité de nom et prénom dans nos rp's et fiches donc vous pouvez sans problème vous choisir un prénom et un nom qui vous conviendra mieux (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3885186096

❝ La présence tant que ça correspond aux règles du forum tout me va ! Je sais qu'on a tous et toutes une vie en dehors des forums donc je ne vais pas être celle qui est derrière vous à chaque instant (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 58458870

❝ Les RP, à ce niveau-là je ne suis pas difficile non plus ! Je tourne en général aux alentours de 500 mots, et j'arrive facilement à m'adapter à mes partenaires rp (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3519537012

Une dernière chose Ô toi qui prendra mon personnage je te serais à jamais reconnaissante ! Je te ferais construire un temple en chocolat (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1639189987
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Romy McFarlane
Romy McFarlane

Date d'inscription : 13/12/2019
Messages : 64
Avatar : Bonnie Wright
Age : 33
Métier : Premier violon au Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra et prof à la NOLA school of music

(F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend Empty
Sujet: Re: (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend    - Ven 13 Déc - 20:11(F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend Empty
Haon ce scénarioooo j'ai so craqué (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 2342054327 ce matin je me disais que Emma et Kiernan auraient trop pu faire des sœur je crois que c'est pas une coïncidence ozreiuhiushef (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 874118307 J'espère que le pseudo vous va, sinon je n'ai aucun problème à en changer et... ah oui, BONJOUUUUR (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 612240472 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 2610386709 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3519537012 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3519537012 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 2715207260 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1351371205 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3543712534 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 701302483
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Karelle Wheeler
Karelle Wheeler

Date d'inscription : 05/01/2019
Messages : 154
Avatar : K. Shipka
Age : 23

(F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend Empty
Sujet: Re: (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend    - Ven 13 Déc - 20:15(F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend Empty
MOI JE DIS C'EST LE DESTIIIIIIIIN (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 874118307 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 874118307 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 874118307
Tu es parfaite et tu restes écarlate (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1634776480 bon OK je sors me tapez pas !
(F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 4073379740 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3311486412 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3820525797 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 4289130527 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1351371205 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3885186096 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 870512128 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 2768862069 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 2768862069 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1851427201 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 874118307 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1325509756 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1279083155 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3971385056 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 979666152 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 734464821 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one 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The one who has a best friend 830606601 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1511688423 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1511688423 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 4073379740 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3311486412 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3820525797 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 4289130527 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1351371205 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3885186096 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 870512128 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 2768862069 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 2768862069 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1851427201 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 874118307 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1325509756 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1279083155 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3971385056 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 979666152 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 734464821 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 734464821 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 2099532469 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 4254259062 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 2408545598 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 653959268 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3497336640 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 830606601 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1511688423 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1511688423 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 4073379740 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3311486412 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3820525797 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 4289130527 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1351371205 (F) BONNIE 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best friend 3497336640 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 830606601 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1511688423 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1511688423 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 4073379740 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3311486412 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3820525797 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 4289130527 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1351371205 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3885186096 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 870512128 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 2768862069 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 2768862069 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1851427201 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 874118307 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1325509756 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1279083155 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3971385056 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 979666152 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 734464821 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 734464821 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 2099532469 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 4254259062 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 2408545598 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 653959268 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3497336640 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 830606601 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1511688423 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1511688423 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 4073379740 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3311486412 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3820525797 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 4289130527 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1351371205 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3885186096 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 870512128 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 2768862069 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 2768862069 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1851427201 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 874118307 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1325509756 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1279083155 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3971385056 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 979666152 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 734464821 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 734464821 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 2099532469 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 4254259062 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 2408545598 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 653959268 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3497336640 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 830606601 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1511688423 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1511688423
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Romy McFarlane
Romy McFarlane

Date d'inscription : 13/12/2019
Messages : 64
Avatar : Bonnie Wright
Age : 33
Métier : Premier violon au Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra et prof à la NOLA school of music

(F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend Empty
Sujet: Re: (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend    - Ven 13 Déc - 20:37(F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend Empty
Cet accueil de perfectiooon, j'ai trop hâte de RPotter (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1634776480 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1351371205 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3543712534 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3885186096 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 945168805 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 2768862069 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 2715207260 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1851427201 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 874118307 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 2610386709 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 612240472 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1325509756 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3519537012 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1827024626 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1639189987 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3856206044 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 2408545598 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3311486412 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 830606601 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1634776480 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1351371205 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3543712534 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3885186096 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 945168805 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 2768862069 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 2715207260 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1851427201 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 874118307 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 2610386709 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 612240472 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1325509756 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3519537012 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1827024626 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1639189987 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3856206044 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 2408545598 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3311486412 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 830606601 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1634776480 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1351371205 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3543712534 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3885186096 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 945168805 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 2768862069 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 2715207260 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1851427201 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 874118307 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 2610386709 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 612240472 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1325509756 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3519537012 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1827024626 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1639189987 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3856206044 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 2408545598 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3311486412 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 830606601 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1634776480 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1351371205 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3543712534 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3885186096 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 945168805 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 2768862069 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 2715207260 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1851427201 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 874118307 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 2610386709 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 612240472 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1325509756 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3519537012 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1827024626 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1639189987 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3856206044 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 2408545598 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3311486412 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 830606601 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1634776480 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1351371205 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3543712534 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3885186096 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 945168805 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 2768862069 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 2715207260 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1851427201 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 874118307 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 2610386709 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 612240472 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1325509756 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3519537012 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1827024626 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1639189987 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3856206044 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 2408545598 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3311486412 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 830606601 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1634776480 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1351371205 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3543712534 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3885186096 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 945168805 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 2768862069 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 2715207260 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1851427201 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 874118307 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 2610386709 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 612240472 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1325509756 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3519537012 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1827024626 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 1639189987 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3856206044 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 2408545598 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3311486412 (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 830606601

Aussi j'aurai 312 questions, j'en suis sûre, alors je vais déterrer mon compte discord (F) BONNIE WRIGHT ✾ The one who has a best friend 3543712534
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Karelle Wheeler
Karelle Wheeler

Date d'inscription : 05/01/2019
Messages : 154
Avatar : K. Shipka
Age : 23

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